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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
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grufty jim wrote:

Right, so rather than actually engage constructively with an ongoing discussion, you'd prefer to drag up a frustrated remark I made six months ago, attack me personally and play "the victim" whenever you're challenged to actually justify what you've written.

Can you explain why people shouldn't ignore you? Or would you prefer to just keep insulting me instead?

What a convenient memory you have. Firstly, after having previously said you would ignore my posts and - lets not forget - avoid the Village Pump because I posted on there! - you opened your replies in your usual condescending fashion. Do you honestly not see that?

I did put some views across in my next reply, but you ignored them and concentrated on the personality issues at the end. I don't play victim, which seems to me what you are doing here. I'm just not going to tolerate your jibes. Every time you patronise me you are insulting me and so I will insult you back. Our previous differences would have been history with me if you'd have replied in a non-patronising way.

And I honestly couldn't care less whether you ignore me or not. I might be upset if the people I like and respect on this site ignored me but as I find your replies to be patronising, humourless and tedious you can please yourself.

Your serve. New balls please.

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Posted by keith a
10th February 2011ce

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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest (grufty jim)

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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest (grufty jim)

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