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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
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keith a wrote:
grufty jim wrote:

Needless to say, Vybik, that's not actually what I said. But the thread has dropped off the end of the Village Pump (probably a good thing) and I honestly don't recall the exact words that were used.

Let me remind you. What you said was that you were going to ignore all my posts and not reply to anything I posted.

grufty jim wrote:

And as it happens, I actually meant that I would no longer engage with him specifically on that thread/issue rather than a blanket "I'm not talking to you" (though I perhaps didn't make that clear).

As it happens, no you didn't make that clear at all.

Fine. Well, I'm making it clear now. Sorry for any confusion, keith. I clearly forgot that you need to have everything spelled out in great detail. Heaven forbid that a person should be remotely ambiguous in your presence... they find themselves getting reminded about it six fricking months later. Jeez.

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Posted by grufty jim
10th February 2011ce

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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest (keith a)

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