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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
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Vybik Jon wrote:
Grufty actually said, "I'm not talking to you"? Really?

I'll accept the evidence if it's there, but it's a very un-Grufty phrase. If you're summarising a longer thread down to "I'm not talking to you", that's poor.

See my reply below. And it's not poor at all.

It's certainly no poorer than Grufty replying to me on this occasion with a "Or maybe you could read the rest of the article to which that is the opening paragraph" put-down when I was questioning what someone had written in The Guardian (which, as it happens, is the newspaper I read)

But from your recent posts on here and Unsung you seem hellbent on arguing about something.

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Posted by keith a
10th February 2011ce

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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest (Vybik Jon)

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