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Re: Possible origin of name?
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Hmmm, we're a bit upset to find that Meg of Meldon's reputed witchiness is all talk and no pointy hat :O(

We do wonder why, if the "Meg" naming was so late, there no traces of an earlier name for the circle.

Also, still find it difficult to see why people would apply the name of a woman living hundreds of miles away in the 1600s to an ancient stone circle in Cumbria. Perhaps her fame in the songs and plays of time had made her an truly national icon?

Typical, a big lass in the 1600s beats up a whole host of folk including foreigners and the law and she is feted, songs and plays are written about her, and perhaps, a stone circle named after her. Try that today and ASBOs and Crimewatch would just be the start.

Mind you, the way reality TV is going these days...........

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Posted by Megalithics
6th January 2011ce

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Re: Possible origin of name? (Rhiannon)

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