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Re: Another million lines
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nigelswift wrote:
Yes I see your point, getting someone to flesh out the whys and wherefores of a speculation could be useful in helping to discount/corroborate a theory - but of course, the bigger the thing gets, the more it needs to tie in at various points with actual evidence - else you end up with Discworld! (Is that how you spell it?)

This rang a big bell with me: "may never have been "fixed" to the surface in a way that would leave an archaeological record".... So what are we to make of Stukeley, called a liar for centuries for drawing the Beckhampton Ave so long, proved not a liar over six stones, but no record yet found of the others. Was he drawing relatively small stones placed on the surface that left no marks when removed?

I suspect we won't ever really know, but if the other remaining stones are indicative, I would think the "missing" ones would have been fairly big, even if not as big as what's left. That's assuming it was an entirely stone avenue of course :-)

Stukeley's work is so tantalising because he was there in relatively modern times, and much of what he definitely did see isn't there any longer. But the problem comes that it's sometimes difficult to separate those times when he was drawing what he saw (but we can't see because it's gone since his time) and those times when he was drawing his own speculative reconstructions.

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Posted by thesweetcheat
16th December 2010ce

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Re: Another million lines (nigelswift)

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Re: Another million lines (Sanctuary)
Re: Another million lines (nigelswift)

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