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Re: Line of sight calculator
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Sanctuary wrote:
I see no reason personally why there would have been a need for the two to be connected in a direct visual sense but it would be from the top of the Great Circles bank wouldn't it and that is part of the setup?

It would be strange if no effort had been made to set up a visual link between two wonders of the world that had been built in such close proximity. You might just as well say they weren't particularly bothered about whether Silbury was visible from anywhere in the landscape, which clearly seems to be the reverse of the truth.

I also don't think the henge wall would be the likely intended viewing point. From a ceremonial point of view (literally) seeing it from inside the henge seems much more likely to have been considered important.

In any case, the henge wall at the relevant point is much lower than it was originally, having been demolished to allow tourist Stage coaches through (no piddling about planning visitors centres in those days, just bish, bash, done!)

The original henge wall (I think) would have been exactly on a line in space running from Silbury, the shoulder of Waden, skimming the henge wall and into the eyeball of a shortish person standing a few feet across from the obelisk. Four points in perfect three dimensional alignment. Chance or deliberate? Spoilsport Littlestone points out Waden might have been wooded, thereby making it chance at a stroke. But WAS it wooded?

And anyway, there was a totem or tower on top, it all works perfectly then, even with trees - quite magical in fact since that's all you'd see from the Henge and for miles along the Ridgeway. The Silbury Tower Game (c)

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Posted by nigelswift
9th December 2010ce

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Re: Line of sight calculator (Sanctuary)

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