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Yes, it could work!
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Now that we've all slagged the theory off I'd like to put a few points in its defence (without implying I actually support it) (though it would need amending) -

The lack of evidence of such balls isn't significant - a few dozen, used repeatedly, is all you'd need so the fact none have been found isn't necessarily significant.

I don't think their idea of two precise grooves for them to run in is necessary. Wide grooves, say 9 inches wide into which balls were thrown randomly would support a moving "stone-barge" adequately.

The above arrangement would mean all the balls wouldn't necessarily have to be of identical size as there would be a tendency for them to migrate laterally and take up a supporting position wherever the underside of the barge was subject to variations.

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Posted by nigelswift
23rd November 2010ce

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Re: Yes, it could work! (Sanctuary)

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