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The Modern Antiquarian
Re: Ley Lines
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Fair enough. Sorry. I'm a bit touchy this morning and not in the best of moods as I'm increasingly despairing at the state of things. I am tired of the general response that one generally gets from ardent scientific materialists when it comes to experinces/phenomena that are oustside their framework. It's like Dawkins fundamentalism. I know certain experiences that I have had would be certainly be classified as 'paranormal' for want of a better term. They also involved other parties, previously ardently sceptical. The most interesting of them happened during my childhood in Ireland. We lived in a very old property that actually had an ancient celtic burial chamber within the grounds. A range of phenomena occured involving an apparition, movement of objects, electrical and plumbing interferences that defied all professional attempts at explaination, and other so-called 'classic' activity. Also, our domestic pets were especially sensitive in a number of instances.

That's as far as I'll go, as I'm so used to the standard stock responses that often border on the patronising/insulting really, by people who were not there. One thing I do know for sure, if they had been, they would certainly consider different perpsectives.

Again, sorry for misunderstanding you and getting arsey. There's something in the air these days!


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The Sea Cat
Posted by The Sea Cat
11th November 2010ce

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Re: Ley Lines (moss)

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