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Re: Ley Lines
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Sanctuary wrote:
The Sea Cat wrote:
Personal experience. I've used them on lines and in stone formations. There's definitely a very high level of energy. I haven't actually taken exact measurements, but that's an interesting point to be looked into further. I believe that those who erected our megalithic structures were fully aware of earth energy currents/fields and how to use them. I've done a certain meditation inside circles on occasion and you can feel the very powerful energy field. On one occasion I had to stop because it became quite overwhelming.

Yes I've heard of this feeling before but of course a lot of people scoff at the idea. For myself I am completely open minded. My only real experience of 'width' with dowsing rods was when we had a bore hole specialist give us an estimate to have the system intalled when we purchased our old barn. He walked around the property with the rods until finding the water supply he felt most suited to the position where the supply had to enter the building. He then approached the area from either side (he considered it a 'river' underground) and the rods reacted leaving a width of about 6ft as a target area. Very much TIC I asked him how far down? He turned the rods upside down and walked slowly to the centre of the area and said 120ft without hesitation. The following week the bore hole was drilled and they struck water at 115ft!!

I have a a cottage in Ireland that my Dad and I renovated from a ruined shell. We got a Dowser in and within minutes he located a deep natural spring within the grounds. It's now the property's sole water source, straight from the earth and on tap!

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The Sea Cat
Posted by The Sea Cat
9th November 2010ce

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Re: Ley Lines (Sanctuary)

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