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Re: Living Heritage Threat
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The Sea Cat wrote:
I decided to post this here rather than next door as I think it does fit the remit, sadly. As one of the many who finds beauty and inspiration in the living heritage of our ancient woodlands, this is deplorable.[...]-britains-forests-2115631.html

Just to say thanks for highlighting this TSC - I answered this morning briefly as was about to turn my laptop off for the day. Like many, many, people I feel a deep connection with woodland and forests, ancient or otherwise. This government is becoming increasingly despised; I read somwhere they are offering to put the state pension up to £140 ??? What the f*ck is that all about just a few days after they've told everyone they'll basically have to work till they drop - no doubt something to placate the 'baby boomers' as they slip in to retirement. I imagine there are quite a few latent anachists and ex-revolutionaries out there who have both the energy, resources and time to challenge this government in a Big Way (better keep them quiet).

I had a day out today in a lovely and leafy part of the world - the Cotswolds; we were held up by the small picturesque village of Rodmarton by a hunt preparing to set off. They all smiled at us in thanks for 'giving way' (as though we had a choice) - I just felt contempt for them and their 'class'. I'll contact the Woodland Trust in the next day or two and find out what their stance on this is ... and promise this is not just another forum post to be quickly forgotten - this land is my land too. Indeed.

best wishes

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Posted by tjj
25th October 2010ce

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Living Heritage Threat (The Sea Cat)

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