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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO) - final word from me!
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The Sea Cat wrote:
As I keep pointing out, but no-one seems to comment, Eire's struggling underfunded charities etc could well do with some of Bono's TAX vanities!!

Actually I did mention that in my original post. Bono earns more than 90% of his income outside Ireland and pays over a third of his tax in Ireland. I'm the last person to condone tax-dodging, but the reality is that the business practices of U2 (as opposed to that of Bono's campaigning) are no different to the business practices of any other large company.

I agree that we should look at ways to prevent corporations from avoiding tax in that manner, but Ireland's national finances aren't in a shambles because of U2's accountants.

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Posted by grufty jim
13th October 2010ce

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