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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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So you remain confused, never mind.
The Live Aid single, was awful. Concerts both here and in the US full of pampered pop stars with tons of money each. Also, UK stuff had Bono on it! But it achieved things. Saw the food parcels and stuff on the news. Result.
I believe U2's 'One' (also had Bono on it) and Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, two tunes I detest, were released for AIDS charities.
More results. Proper charities helping people.
I see Bono's 'One' organisation as no more than a 'talking shop', truth be known. Loads of money spent lobbying George W Bush to mention 'poverty' at UN conferences. As if that sort of 'tokenism' doesn't go on anyway. Bush (now of course Obama) et al will always mention everything and anything when the media spotlight's on them. We all know that.
That's what I meant by aligning 'One' to talking round a bottle of wine, or whatever it was.
That's where all the posturing happens.
Dunno about you, but I give my money to where I know it'll 'achieve things'.


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Posted by sanshee
11th October 2010ce

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