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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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Ian wrote:

That Bono is doing anything at all is miraculous when he could be sitting on his ass all day disseceting Post Modernism with Eno, Bowie and David Byrne over a bottle or three of Romanee Conti.

Yeah well, perhaps Bono et al is doingh the same sort of thing, only with 'poverty' being the hot topic of choice.

I say that because from what I've read, the One 'awareness campaigning' can't make any real claim to achieveing anything that wouldn't have happened otherwise, with others on the ground getting their nails dirty and from what they see their heart broken, every day.

If I'm wrong, I'd like to see the evidence, and I'll accept it,but I've read a few things to the contrary.

Also, a staff of 120 costing over 8m?

Very unedifying.

All this 'you only complain because it's Bono' defence is as reactionary as actually complaining for that very reason.

I think there's far more to consdier here.

My donations go to the physical world.

EDIT: Hopefully, and I'm sure, as well as 'this 'Bono does that too.


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Posted by sanshee
11th October 2010ce

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