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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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I like a bit of U2 now and then as it happens and I do think they genuinely give "good arena" live. They are very good at it.

I agree with yuo for the most part Grufty. I mean, I know that Bono has done a fuck of a lot more 'good' in the world than I have, so, as cringeworthy as he has been getting lately - and it IS much more so in the last few years - I ain't particularly gonna give him stick. Take the piss maybe, know..

Thing is though, he HAS been more overtly messianic and in yer face in recent times. I always thought the rest of the band were ok with Bono saving the world as long as it didn't negativel impact on the band as such. I don't mean commercially, though sales of their last album were very poor for them - just the perception of 'em. However, I think Bono's recent schtick - all the world leaders on speed dial stuff - IS now impacting on U2 in a negative manner and I suspect, before a new album, a quite word in his shell like might be due from the other three. If he's got any sense at all and at least some perception of how many people are feeling right now, he should rein it in a bit. He can still do all his good works. But I think the appetite for multi-millionaire rockstars in the pulpit is very small right now, and if he wants U2 to still have some clout, I reckon he'd be wise to recognise that.

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Moon Cat
Posted by Moon Cat
8th October 2010ce

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