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Re: The Pagan 'problem'
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tjj wrote:
Thank you tsc, TE and Drew for your kind comments on another thread (I have just sent a message to Mega). And yes, the Cherhill walk was just what the doctor ordered ... we walked through Yatesbury and up and around Cherhill Down; it was bright and very breezy. I have had a great 'summer sabbatical' this year spent exploring the Cotswold long barrows and countryside - but my heart belongs to to those rolling Wiltshire Downs.

Hi June,
Sounds like your day on "those rolling Wiltshire Downs" was perfect - with a nice wind. I've fancied going to Yatesbury, but have never found time when in that part of the World. Any chance of a blog about it? I crave details of your route. I'm quite keen on the Cotswold long barrows too.
Take care,

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
26th September 2010ce

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Re: The Pagan 'problem' (tjj)

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Re: The Pagan 'problem' (thesweetcheat)

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