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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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Squid Tempest wrote:
Bah - and there was me thinking you were a good sort. Tsk. Nowt wrong with the Gongsters you know 8-P

PS. Make sure your tea wasn't bagged up by child labourers.

I know there's plenty of prog fans on this site, which is why I was little wary of posting that. It's just not my thing, I'm afraid.

Regarding the 'tea bags' thing... to me the big one that, frankly, we're all guilty of contributing to is bauxite mining. Every time we buy something in a tin -- whether it's beer, beans or soup -- we're helping prop up the strip-mining of wilderness all over the globe as well as absurdly harsh labour conditions.

As I say, global consumerism makes slave owners of us all.

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Posted by grufty jim
20th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (Squid Tempest)

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