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Re: my tuppence worth
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grufty jim wrote:
The vast majority of drinkers have already been weaned on mass-produced beer and tend to find the idiosyncratic taste of many homebrews less than palatable (and being one of the brainwashed masses, I speak for myself there)

Have to join you there. I did a fair amount of homebrewing for a few years, but rarely was 100 percent satisfied with the results. After all the time and trouble is accounted for, it's not that much cheaper to DIY. I think you really have to have a dedicated love of the whole process and the craft to get anything out of homebrewing.

If people could grow legally, it'd move a lot of indoor gardens outside into greenhouses, which would have the bonus of cutting back on the watts used for artificial lighting. But I suspect most people would purchase from commercial suppliers.

I believe that California is going to pass a voter initiative to legalize this November, I really do. Other states should quickly follow suit as the benefits of harnessing the now underground economy (legalizing and taxing) outweigh the tired old conservative fears. Every large state in the USA is hurtin' for revenue.

After all, legalization hasn't turned everyone you know into a smoker or a drinker. The streets aren't full of drunks now and they won't be full of stoned dropouts either. Or if they are, openness will allow those who overdo it to be recognized more quickly.

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Posted by handofdave
20th August 2010ce

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Re: my tuppence worth (grufty jim)

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Re: my tuppence worth (pooley)

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