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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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Is this a genuine point first and foremost or is it fueled somewhat to 'catch' people out (posturing or otherwise)that you have clashed with over other issues in the past? There does seem to be a "HAH! Suck on this then!" tone to it.

The language of it seems to indicate this has something of a "tit for tat" quality to it that somewhat clouds the seriousness of the issues involved.

It's laudable information Pooley, if a bit simplistic. I would argue it's only the very well off that have the luxury of guaranteeing that all their consumables, be it luxury or necessity, are from ethical sources. Not to say people shouldn't try but there is a danger of "Casting the first stone" about it from all points of view I reckon.

ps Yes I do, very occasionally and, to echo other's comments, I have every reason to believe that the source is not of the type you allude to.

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Moon Cat
Posted by Moon Cat
20th August 2010ce

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do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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