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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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pooley wrote:
Just funny that when it's middle class pursuits ie flying etc, people who indulge are bastards, when it's something like this. It's acceptable. I find that odd. And again. No one else has mentioned the hell these kids are in.

You really don't bloody listen do you? Who said anything about child traffiking being acceptable? Nobody, that's who - just you in your own little universe casting aspersions, crying "hypocrite" at a bunch of people who (a) you don't know and (b) may not have done what you are accusing them of in the first place. Well, back at yer - HYPOCRITE. You are using just as many unacceptably sourced products as anyone else around here - or can you prove otherwise? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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Squid Tempest
Posted by Squid Tempest
20th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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