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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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pooley wrote:
You should be a politician. Your ability to twist what is said is second to none. ESP the amount of people who ethically source their cannabis. Two people you and one other say they source ethically. Others have not said either way.

From what I can tell only four people have actually stated they smoke pot on this thread. And of them, three are aware of the provenance. 75% is a healthy majority. That's not twisting words, that's just knowing how to count.

I guess what's happening is that you're just blithely assuming others do smoke pot without any evidence. None that I can see anyway. Perhaps you should be the politician? After all, the willingness to make up any old shit and call it a fact is par for the course in that business.

pooley wrote:
You and others will not condemn this, disbelieve the evidence ( something you slag climate change deniers for) because you don't want to believe it

Except of course, that I have condemned it. Other than that, you're spot on.

I said quite clearly that "Contributing to sweatshop labour by smoking pot is just as wrong as buying a t-shirt manufactured in one." You even suggested that the post in which I made that statement contained "a lot of good points", therefore I'm assuming you read it.

Twisting words much?

So in case you're in any doubt; I condemn the use of forced labour (be it child or adult) in the production of any commodity. Is that clear enough for you?

Also, could you point me to an example of me "slagging climate change deniers for disbelieving the evidence". Please. Just one. Otherwise it simply sounds like you're making shit up again.

pooley wrote:
You claim the police and BBC are suspect. The truth is a huge amount of farms have been closed. Something like double the amountbof tis time last year.

Double 1 and you get two. Not exactly a huge number. Though that's not the point.

The BBC article suggests that "almost 7,000 factories" have been shut down in the last year. Yes, that sounds large, but there is no suggestion that a significant percentage of them used child labour. It's the classic media misdirect. "Child labour in cannabis farms!" Then segue right into the total number of cannabis farms in the country without pointing out that a tiny minority of them use child labour.

How do we know it's a tiny minority? Because of the glaring omission of any official figures beyond total farms. If a large number were involved in child slavery, the police would have released that number and the media would put it in the opening paragraph. In bold.

But they didn't. Instead they used the misdirect, which speaks volumes in itself.

Up to 5 million people regularly smoke pot in the UK (over 8% of the total population). Given that this child labour issue -- while uncontravertibly reprehensible when it happens -- is almost certainly involved in a tiny minority of pot farms, the likelihood of any specific pot smoker buying from those farms is very low.

pooley wrote:
All I am asking, is source it ethically. Is that so wrong.

It isn't. And I do. As do most of the known tokers on this thread. What's your point again?

pooley wrote:
I started this thread to see how this forum would react to something I presumed many used being ethically unsound.

The results were sadly predictable

I actually think you started this thread as much because you saw that BBC article as a stick with which to beat the forum regulars. Certainly I feel that was partly the motive, along with the ethical issue you wished to highlight. And given the huge number of assumptions you've been making in this discussion up 'til now, I don't feel too bad about making that one.

pooley wrote:
Some mileage has been made from me using an iPad. Ok, not the most ethical of tools, but the same goes for any pc, Mac etc. How aware are younof the origin of what you write your messages on?

I've already been quite clear about the fact that I'm guilty of playing my role in the unethical and unjust global consumer culture. I don't like that fact, but it is a fact. Do I really have to repeat everything I've said? Again, you actually claimed that the post in which I said that contained "a lot of good points". Did you bother reading it?

pooley wrote:
I also said that I would not have bought it had I read the article. You Can believe that, or call me a liar. Up to you, but the fact is I have bought it. Too late.

I wouldn't dream of calling you a liar, and I'm not sure why you'd imagine I would. I will ask whether or not you are prepared to examine the provenance of every single purchase you make in the future? Every piece of fruit? Every can of beans? (including the packaging of course). Every t-shirt, every pair of shoes, the petrol you pump into your car, that bar of chocolate, the beer you drink...?

Or, like the rest of us, will you avert your gaze and hope you're not doing too much harm? Because unless you're prepared to pledge that you'll carefully examine the supply chain of every purchase you make, then berating others for not doing so, on the single issue of cannabis, makes it seem more like a personal attack on pot smokers than any ethical stance you're taking.

pooley wrote:
Not so with cannabis. You can stop buying it unethically right now.

And for the umpteenth time, I have done.

pooley wrote:
Things will change. If there is no market for unethical cannabis, farms will close. That simple

And the same is true for every other product sourced unethically. Unfortunately it won't actually happen because the global economic system just isn't set up that way.

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Posted by grufty jim
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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