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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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You should be a politician. Your ability to twist what is said is second to none. ESP the amount of people who ethically source their cannabis. Two people you and one other say they source ethically. Others have not said either way.

You and others will not condemn this, disbelieve the evidence ( something you slag climate change deniers for) because you don't want to believe it

You claim the police and BBC are suspect. The truth is a huge amount of farms have been closed. Something like double the amountbof tis time last year.

All I am asking, is source it ethically. Is that so wrong. . I started this thread to see how this forum would react to something I presumed many used being ethically unsound.

The results were sadly predictable

Some mileage has been made from me using an iPad. Ok, not the most ethical of tools, but the same goes for any pc, Mac etc. How aware are younof the origin of what you write your messages on?

I also said that I would not have bought it had I read the article. You Can believe that, or call me a liar. Up to you, but the fact is I have bought it. Too late.

Not so with cannabis. You can stop buying it unethically right now. Things will change. If there is no market for unethical cannabis, farms will close. That simple

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Posted by pooley
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (grufty jim)

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (Ziggypop)
Re: do you smoke cannabis? (grufty jim)

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