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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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No. I've stopped smoking it. And stopped doing many things because I don't agree with their production. Or some aspect of it.

This is an easy thing to give up. It's not an essential, it's as much as a luxury as, oh, air travel. And seems to be equally damaging to a small group of people

My point is this. It is something you like , therefore you will make an excuse to carry on with it. And in doing so you are condeming those children to a type of hell.

Easy to slag something as unethical when it ain't something you do. If youbreally care, you will stop this. Wouldn't you?..

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Posted by pooley
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (handofdave)

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (handofdave)

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