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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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pooley wrote:
No. But I have never claimed to be any good at this.

Just good at lecturing others. I love that defence "ah, but I never claimed..." Blaming someone for failing at something you can't even be bothered to try isn't the most worthy of attitudes.

pooley wrote:
With all the posturing that people do - you included - on this site, i thought that you would be outraged that people are used in this way to bring you a simple pleasure.

Ok, first up, I've been pretty clear that nobody is being used in this way to bring me pleasure (regarding pot anyway). So why would I be outraged at something that isn't happening?

Beyond that, I'm interested in exactly what "posturing" you're accusing me of here. Could you actually cite something relevant? Or are you just name-calling?

pooley wrote:
I assumed, that you would be s vocal calling for this to end as you would be nike sweat shops etc.

Not sure I've ever called for an end to Nike sweatshops. Not recently anyway. Not that I endorse them or anything, but again, for clarity, can you actually recall an instance of this "calling for" / "posturing"?

In fact, if you'd taken notice of my recent posting of the Slavoj Zizek lecture, you'd be aware that I'm extremely dubious about the whole notion of ethical consumption. Which is why I used the phase "modern market capitalism makes slave owners of us all".

The entire economic system upon which we rely for sustenance drips with the sweat of the exploited. I want to see that change, but it won't happen by closing down a few sweatshops and buying Fair Trade coffee. Indeed, it's Zizek's contention (and one I tend to agree with) that such things only serve to prolong the injustices by providing us with meaningless salves for our collective conscience.

pooley wrote:
Seems that if it is something you enjoy, it is somehow less wrong. Interesting that

And it seems like you are making assumptions about my beliefs that have no basis in fact. Contributing to sweatshop labour by smoking pot is just as wrong as buying a t-shirt manufactured in one. But it's difficult for me to condemn either too forcefully so long as I myself are part of the economic system that perpetuates both. And as I don't actually engage in either so far as I'm aware, your finger-pointing is a little hasty.

I can lament that system, certainly. I can try to contribute towards its replacement, but I don't claim to be clear of the shadows it casts.

I once spent a lot of time and energy campaigning against things like sweatshops, and I still applaud those who do so. Where I'm aware of exploitation in the supply chain, I avoid it of course. But it works both ways, pooley. Condemning people here for buying sweatshop pot (even though many of us don't) is only valid if you condemn people for buying other sweatshop products.

And that condemnation includes you.

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Posted by grufty jim
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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