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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ?
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dodge one wrote:
Holy Crap Branwen! Your like a Nuclear powered Cultural History Fountain....
How do you do it??
Really, thank you so much for finding stuff like this for Me/Us...
You really have a knack for honing in on people's tastes too.
Normally, i do not pry too much into people's lives, But if it's not too forward to ask, Do you have a Degree in these type studies?
Seems you should be lecturing at University level on these things.
If you are self taught, congratulations on how far you have delved.
I always thought that i was a hoity toity just owning a copy of the Mabinogion. The only one that i personally know in my social circle.
Your quite a gal.
Thanks Again.

Branwen is a remarkable woman - I do agree.

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Posted by tjj
15th January 2010ce

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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ? (dodge one)

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