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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ?
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I wasn't offended GWASS. I've offended any number of druids in my time.... LOL

Jack of all trades, master of none... that's me tjj. :-)

It's been good for me, discarded some stuff I wasn't sure of, had a sounding board for expanding other stuff.

Dodge, about links - I found my copy of T D Kendrick, checked concerning sacrifice and the celts and it wasn't that book. Must have been Stuart Piggott. Came across these whilst googling which might be worth investigating.
A late Iron age shaft in Holzhausen in Baviaria
Grave of a Celtic Woman (4-3 BCE) - Celtic - Zurich
The ritual shaft found at Ashill in Norfolk[...]inetexts/onlinetexts-chap8.htm
Excavation on an example near Stonehenge, at Wilsford

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Posted by Branwen
10th January 2010ce

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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ? (dodge one)

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