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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ?
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Island hut settlements being a show on Crannogs I've missed? Or huts on islands?

Dunno which series Ian McShane did but will google it.

I was reading this fella Graham Hancock. site (you may say he's an idiot not worth reading) on the underwater archaeology around India. Says there's evidence to say that the Vedas might be more historical than legendary, as things they are finding are mentioned in the Vedas.

Scotland is higher because of bounce back after the ice, but the seas rose when the ice melted too didn't they? I remember watching a show about Scotland where they said the coastline disappeared at a rate of two metres per year. Doggerland under the North Sea often throws up good finds, I think Time Team did a show on that too.

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Posted by Branwen
8th January 2010ce

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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ? (StoneGloves)

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