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Rowtor Rocks
Re: Rowtor Rocks, it's all fake
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baza wrote:
megadread wrote:

Ah, but if Mr Eyre had an interest in all things rocky couldn't he have seen such designs himself before and copied them for the benefit of his friends whom it's said he took up there to entertain.
I just find it strange that Rowtor is full of "art" and it's neighbour just a couple of hundred yards away apparently has nothing, Eyre did live by the bottom or Row-tor, very conveniently for him.

Derbys. hasn't got a lot of rock art; it only occurs in a few places, as far as I know.
Rowtor is hardly full of the stuff, and there's only one motif which could be described as prominent.
There is a nice little group of classic cup and rings which really look genuine. Is there another example anywhere which the rev could have got inspiration from?

I think they must be prehistoric. The only doubt that could cross my mind is the case of the cross within the circle.

Well there's several groups of cup marks, the 3 cup and rings, 2 "serpent" designs and the "flower" motif.
It's the placing of them too, especially the flower motif very conveniently placed just below the path and right next to some of Eyres larger carvings.

As for the other examples he might have seen, i didn't mean ones he might have seen in the area though i'm not sure as to how well travelled he was.

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Posted by megadread
15th December 2009ce

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