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Re: Stone Circle - A fake?
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I think baza a right - a load of bollocks from someone who has a head full of half stories. Stick to the facts, mate!

The only (similar) story that I heard was from an old boy in the village. He remembers a stone being moved in the 1940s and dragged out of the way of the constrution of the airfield. They only managed to drag it as far as where the cricket pitch now is, and as far as the old boy was concerned it's still there. It may be. It may not be.

You wanna watch what the locals say... One chap on the parish council objected to its reconstruction on the grounds that it might bring hippies with camper vans and tourists into the village.

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Posted by Jane
1st November 2009ce

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Stone Circle - A fake? (TheStandingStone)

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Re: Stone Circle - A fake? (TheStandingStone)

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