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tonyh wrote:
Avebury Truth wrote:
tonyh wrote:
Help Ed...

Provocation of this nature is unacceptable and bound to escalate in to a flame war..


There was absolutely no provocation or veiled threat intended. An opportunity was given for Pete G to view a CRB and he chose to continue his embittered tongue.

Perhaps it is best if all parties involved choose not to make inflammatory remarks about an individual who cannot defend himself. Or, if they feel the need to do so, this should be done face to face, not from behind a computer screen where misinterpretation can lead to misnomers taking place.

If anything Pete had said was unacceptable then I'm sure that the Ed's here would have dealt with it..

They do know the difference you know.

I have been Police checked on many occations because I worked with Children and vulnerable Adults I never felt That It was inflammatory in any form or manner nor would I think it so for People to ask questions...

And they Never gave Me a certificate..

Your remarks were inflammatory and provocative and I believe you meant them to be so..

This thread is about a mega meet could we go back to that subject in a calm manner now..


You and your employer should have a copy of your certificate.
I know this because I am employed by Swindon Borough Council and I work in a school and Nursery.


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Posted by neighbourofthedrude
14th July 2009ce

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Re: Other Events (tonyh)

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