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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: 2009 Avebury Megameet - More events
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Pete G wrote:
So you care to explain Why you wrote this chance?

"TMA members are welcome to join the temporary camp on condition that they participate in at least one of the pagan ceremonies and/or the Lammas games. This is a stipulation made by the NT for allowing the pagan community to use the car park. Please respect this."

Obviously i can't answer for Chance but the words "Control" "Self obsessed" "own agenda" and "Blanket" spring to mind.
People should really check the info they are fed before acting upon it.
If some of us here hadn't questioned this i wonder if certain people reading Chance's post wanting to turn up for their own reasons would have been put off, though i also have faith they would have seen through this charade.
I hope something has been learned on all sides from this episode and it won't be repeated, i won't hold my breath though.

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Posted by megadread
10th July 2009ce

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