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Re: The Blue Stone Enigma
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tonyh wrote:

Isn't it likly that the dimensions of the stone would be similar in any given area, seeing as the forces applied to them would be similar?.


Hi Tony,

Not necessarily in my view. Hit a paving slab of uniform thickness and i dare say you'll end up with a myriad of bits and pieces; some big, some not so. And if you'd deliberately set out to get big bits -

*dives behind sofa*

- you'd clear all the small stuff away to get to it ....

*can I come out yet?*

Just for info - one of the joys of debate is finding new stuff - I came across this on one of my recent searches:[...]s/FYFIELDDOWNLEAFLET(3376).pdf

It's an English Nature leaflet from 2003. Pretty - and informative. Sadly, the site it came from uses Phrase 154 (Sykes-Manchurian Variation) in the "Justyouwaituntil2012" Big Book of Must-Use Phrases:

"....refreshing analysis of the evidence uncovers the shocking truth...."

But don't let that put you off!




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Posted by Pilgrim
7th July 2009ce

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Re: The Blue Stone Enigma (tonyh)

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