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Re: I'm sorry
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geoffrey_prime wrote:
Realistically, whether you like it or not, only the Tories can get us out of the current mess...and its going to be a long haul. Sorry to all my Leftie friends, but this will be 1979 all over again.

Maybe so. Maybe so. But the Tories are not going to get us out of this mess. No experience of building anything. No experience of running anything. Just a decade of tearing down other people down. If they win it is because in political terms they are our tallest midgets not because of the dawn of a new era of Tory values (whatever they may be in this century).

You could close the Commons, open a small office for rubber stamping European law and NOTHING would change in terms of the daily lives of ordinary Britons. The very many MPs we do have that are honest, decent, hard working and true would be better served (and better servants) standing as independents in local government.

Blues. Reds. Donkeys. Elephants. It's over.

Anyway - all this is very much like the debates about Kiss on the other board. Hard wired opinions thrown around like bricks. Though I would like to hear from Merrick on how his vision of society is to work.

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Posted by IanB
21st May 2009ce

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Re: I'm sorry (geoffrey_prime)

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Re: I'm sorry (geoffrey_prime)

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