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Re: I'm sorry
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It does end here, because you will always disagree with my position.
Q: Firstly, how do you square your position as a believer in democracy with your support for the most undemocratic institutions in the country?
A: Quite simple, I value the traditional and historical position of the UK as a monarchy and feel the democratic requirements of governance have been achieved through the evolution of a constutional monarchy.

Q2: Secondly, do you still maintain that David Cameron is not on the take
A2: Yes
Q3: that he's a principled person?
A3: Yes
Q4: Or do you agree that a millionaire who complains about the squandering of public funds is a weasel for taking 80 grand of public money?
A4: No, its a perfectly valid expense claim for the running of a second home, in respect of mortgae interest etc. I am not aware of him switching second homes, profiting from 2nd home sales, failing to pay capital gains tax on sales, making extravegant claims for pools, tennis courts, gardens, etc etc. I can only think that your clear predjucice against Cameron is based on class and wealth.
Q5: As Jim said, as long as there's one person on a hospital waiting list, how can you see any grey area there?
A5: This is a tired old left-wing position...haven't you twigged yet that money is not the key factor in respect of hospital waiting lists..and providing effective public services in general - Labour have been throwing money at public services, like there is no tomorrow, hoping that things will improve....
I am tax'd out...and pissed off, because the government have been taking more and delivering less.
Realistically, whether you like it or not, only the Tories can get us out of the current mess...and its going to be a long haul.
Sorry to all my Leftie friends, but this will be 1979 all over again.

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Posted by geoffrey_prime
21st May 2009ce

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Re: I'm sorry (Merrick)

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Re: I'm sorry (CraigR)
Re: I'm sorry (IanB)
Re: I'm sorry (Merrick)

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