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Re: I'm sorry
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Merrick wrote:
It doesn't end there, though. There are two important points you've not answered.

Firstly, how do you square your position as a believer in democracy with your support for the most undemocratic institutions in the country?

Secondly, do you still maintain that David Cameron is not on the take, that he's a principled person? Or do you agree that a millionaire who complains about the squandering of public funds is a weasel for taking 80 grand of public money? As Jim said, as long as there's one person on a hospital waiting list, how can you see any grey area there?

I really don't want to join in on a Tory vs non Tory scrap as the idea of having an ideological preference among the main parties seems some what antiquated. Sure I vote Labour (with the exception of two polls where I voted Green) but have been doing so since the demise of Michael Foot knowing full well that I am being screwed. Neither do I want to confuse the positions suggested in Cope's recent records with your own but I am very interested in what kind of society you envisage and how it is to be achieved and how it is to be governed.

Drums and flags bother me greatly at the best of times. I just like to know specifically what the banging is in aid of before I get in step or walk the other way. Power to All Our Friends might have nearly won Eurovision for Cliff Richard but I need a wee bit more in terms of where it is all headed.

I am not trying to pick any kind of argument but I am genuinely interested as I agree with much of what you say about the problems of capitalism. Though my idea of solutions is to make solving the problems part of the lexicon of self-interest. Systems of government that seek to cut out some of the vagaries of human nature and human desires tend to start and end (with very few exceptions) in real rather than rhetorical rivers of bloods.

BTW did you know that Cliff was allegedly once robbed of a Eurovision title by the personal intervention of General Franco? Punk credentials to die for.

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Posted by IanB
20th May 2009ce

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Re: I'm sorry (Merrick)

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