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Fuel for extremists?
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I was considering whether to bother using my vote in the upcoming elections, but this chap on the TUC website might have a point:

"Refusing to vote will not stop a single councillor or MEP getting elected. Instead it will simply make it much more likely that extremists - particularly those peddling race hate and intolerance - will be elected. This is a particular danger in the Euro-elections where the proportional system allows people to get elected on a relatively small share of the vote."

...As does this writer, from a race debate website:

"There is no better breeding ground for the toxic politics of the extreme Right or Left than a zero-growth economy where, on one hand, people fear for their jobs, income, savings, even keeping their own homes, and on the other hand MPs are able to "flip" their homes to make a killing or get the taxpayer to pay £4,000 for a gardener."

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Posted by head-first
15th May 2009ce

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I'm sorry (Penske666)

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Re: Fuel for extremists? (Merrick)

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