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Re: I'm sorry
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A lot of MPs seem to be saying that the telegraph is dragging their relevations out to keep people buying the papers and someone said that the 'blood fest' should stop.

I guess there is an argument to say that on-going revelations are damaging public trust but in my opinion it is a shit argument. it's already way past damaging.

I'm usually not very shocked to hear about politicians abuses - where there is power there is abuse maybe... but what is unique about this is that there seems to have been a tacit understanding across the whole institution that the expenses system was so lax that you could really take the piss and - no one - not even the good ones - spoke up about it ...

the best thing that can happen is that it is fully exposed so that no one can be in any doubt about the personal integrity of their constituency MP and that these become issues in the next local westminister elections... If the worst offenders are removed maybe there will be some re-defining of the purpose of MPs.

I'd still be interested to know if there are any MPs who didn't take the piss with their expenses tho'. maybe they would be worth voting for.

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Posted by duckbreath
15th May 2009ce

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I'm sorry (Penske666)

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