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Silbury Hill
Re: Silbury Hill
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It was used as a pigpen as the original builders, the Baconite people, worshipped them.

eer, I'll 'ave 'e for plagiarism ;-)

Anyway, we've moved on and are now developing a new theory based on the pudding tradition of East Anglia (see latest pics by moss on the homepage). Puddingstones are incredibly ugly things, and the puddingstone here - actually gave its name to Ugley not far from Stanstead.

Wasn't long before the pudding tradition spread westwards where it came into contact with the Baconite People. Needless to say, the Baconites were puddinged out by the whole pudding concept and built Silbury in the shape of a humongous one (pudding that is). Whether or not it had a sprig of holly on top is still open to question, but there are reports of mistletoe being found in its interior.

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Posted by Littlestone
7th March 2009ce

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Re: Silbury Hill (nigelswift)

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