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Re: our homophobic prince
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Lord Lucan wrote:
I find it interesting that although he was also caught on that vid using the words 'gay' and 'queer' derogatorily, this has hardly been mentioned by the press, not mentioned in this thread, and Harry's apology was for the racist language and not the homophobic language.

But then, I suppose it's fine cos all teenagers now use the word 'gay' that way, so why bother getting upset about it, eh?

The two tier system that applies to the acceptability of prejudice in this country really fucks me off.

Actually m'lord, I did mention it in my post (above). Not being a smart-arse, just pointing out that it's not been completely ignored.

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Posted by grufty jim
5th February 2009ce

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our homophobic prince (Lord Lucan)

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Re: our homophobic prince (Lord Lucan)

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