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Re: our racist prince
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Why are we even debating this? If a white person called someone a paki he's being racist, just like if he calls someone a nigger. The fact that the people who have traditionally been on the receiving end of it might use the words themselves is irrelevant. As is where the word comes from.

When this person has prevous and thinks that dressing as a Nazi is funny that really is the end of that. He's a cunt.

And calling the 'enemy' ragheads? Isn't he out there 'fighting' in order to liberate those who live under the Taliban? Aren't they 'ragheads' too? Bell-end.

Next topic - Katie Price is on the front of OK magazine this week saying 'Obama isn't fit' (dunno if that means 'fit to be president' or 'fit as in good looking'), 'bring back the death penalty' and best of all 'rapists should be raped as a punishment'.

WHAT?????? Who by? Other rapists? But won't they need raping? Where wil it end?

Richard Desmond, owner of the Express, feels that this is the kind of thing he wants on the front his publications. Cunt.


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Posted by mojojojo
23rd January 2009ce

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our racist prince (Shelby Mustang)

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Re: our racist prince (Jim Tones)

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