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Re: our racist prince
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stray wrote:
pooley wrote:

learn to communicate properly.

I did, you should do the same, you're initial response of "if you don't agree with us, fuck off? is that REALLY what you are saying?" is a tad rude isn't it eh ? Especially considering that what I said is basically the same as..

pooley wrote:

If an entire forum disagrees with you, argue your point and then shut up. If you are bullying someone with the hope that they will leave your forum for not agreeing with you, you don't have that much faith in your beliefs.
if you have to resort to name calling and put downs because someone doesn't agree with your point of view, you do not have much faith in your point of view.

As said, learn to read. At no point have I resorted to name calling (for a change), and so what if someone has ? To paraphrase, and to agree with you, if someone does that to you then grow a pair and move on or argue back. Fucking hell Pooley can you really not understand me. Wait for the red mist to clear and try and read what I said again.

And fucking hell, this is one of the weakest political forums on the net, who cares what anyone says here, you can predict the groupthink here so easily. Have you ever been to another forum discussing politics ever ? I suggest you try it. Hell, I suggest you try sensible debating, and stop constructing irrelevant strawmen and 'woe to the posters and their entrenched opinions' wankiness that you're doing.. I mean Geoffrey gave as good as he got, so ?

Anyone who resorts to talking about forum decorum and bitching about cliques has absolutely no debating skills, at all. This is the internet, its not important, and this forum has no moderation, so erm.. yeah.. wtf. It's pointless to say play nice here, and why the hell should anyone play nice when discussing things online, especialy racism where the rage relating to the subject is close to the surface for everyone here.

As for 'knowing someone' by their posts online, er.. no.. If you think that I in anyway reflect my posts, or anyone else reflects theirs, then sorry, you really shouldn't be reading forums at all tbh. There is a level of abstraction between person/idea and posting that you definitely need to understand.

You aint doing much to disabuse my opinions of you. Quick to anger when someone disagrees with you aint you? As you say, this is the internet and doesn't matter. so don't reply, try using these pathetic bullying tactics on someone that will five a flying fuck about them.
Learn to read? thanks, i'll try. Make sense out of your rant - it'll never happen.
Look, I don't want to argue on here, I want to discuss. I don't think you do. I regret replying to your post, I could tell before I did it that I wouldn't get anywhere and that you had a closed mind.

No hard feelings. see you around--------

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Posted by pooley
19th January 2009ce

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Re: our racist prince (stray)

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Re: our racist prince (stray)

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