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Re: our racist prince
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Shelby Mustang wrote:
thing is though. the term prince harry used is used mostly as a racist term. real racism, nazis kicking lumps out of an asian racism. i dunno but being called a limey by an oz doesn't even register on the racism meter to me.

when the scots highlanders went over the top in the first world war at the battle of loos british men said the germans were in for it now the jocks were bearing down on them. i dunno but if i was a scot and i read that in a book i'd kinda flush a bit with pride.

same with me if i read that people were saying the germans are going to get it now the limeys are bearing down on them

i'm just not so sure that Deeps' for instance would feel quite as flushed with pride if he read that the guys in the trenches were saying that the germans are going to get it now because the pakis were bearing down on them. not with the connotations that lie so heavily with that particular slang term.

anyway, i hope that me saying that didn't come as patronising or owt, it wasn't meant to x

Shelby is right, and he needs to feel no fear that he is being patronising, for he is not. All races have their nick names, and there is a spectrum of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Some are affectionate and some are frankly not. I think the Paki term is very dehumanising. The recent Sooty 'unmasking' and the recipients response is I feel more to do with the fact that too much deference to the Prince of Wales is on display here. If he had responded Hello Jughead, big ears etc he may well have been calculating will he be welcome at court ever again? - I recall Beau Brummell made the same calculation when he called Peter Ustinov..sorry the Prince Regent 'Fat friend' to his cost so he was banished from court with his credit and good name shredded. That is how I reckon the Pakistani officer is feeling. He is keeping mum, but at least his Uncle had a swipe at 'Our Prince'.

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Posted by Deepinder Cheema
16th January 2009ce

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Re: our racist prince (Shelby Mustang)

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