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Re: our racist prince
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geoffrey_prime wrote:
Fuck you very much too - do you know my ethnic background?

No Geoffrey I do not know your ethnic background. I am an Indian, and a Sikh. So I'm a 'Paki' and a 'Raghead' all rolled into one. Despite all my protestations that being Indian-Sikh viz 'Paki' are mutually exclusive, the people who have historically tried this on with me are never shocked and crestfallen by this faux pas. Being called a Paki, a very loaded term is never a term of endearment, its casual racism at its very best.

So what is your ethnic background? If it is then..what can I say.

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Posted by Deepinder Cheema
14th January 2009ce

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Re: our racist prince (geoffrey_prime)

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