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Re: our racist prince
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Spaceship mark wrote:
Lest we forget his other colleague who 'looks like a raghead'. Not only does this show Harry to be and idiot it raises wider questions about the degree of casual racism in the armed forces.
If giving someone the nickname 'paki' is something seen as normal banter, similarly the 'raghead' comment, I think the important thing is to investigate this.
To be honest it strikes me that Harry is an idiot caught up in a system where this kind of thing is common and casual, as opposed to an actual racist. I'm not trying to make excuses, I just thing the important issue here is the bigger picture...

i don't know dude,i think saying harry is an idiot kind of caught up in a system, where this thing is common place is kind of letting him off the hook, he is supposed to be setting some sort of example, and it will look like to some of the scumbags out there that it gives validation to use these words,also bnp supporters, it could be argued are idiots and caught up in a a system where these words are normal banter, so is the army ,inherently racicst,and for that matter the royal family ,seems certain media parties .like to protect those over priveledged aresoles,and will always excuse harry and his behaviour, because he is a bleedin prince,now if russell brand had made a racist remark , for example,

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Posted by the dude
12th January 2009ce

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Re: our racist prince (Spaceship mark)

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Re: our racist prince (Spaceship mark)

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