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Coorleigh South
Re: Is this art?
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Yes, he's done some good work. His book on the copper mining techniques is excellent (even though I later sold it for 99p on eBay). Conferences are too busy and I must look like a nutter, or something. They all run away from me, except Bradley and Alison Sheridan! Billy O'Brien's response made me forget about the stone, somewhat, and it's just this thread that has reawakened my memory of it. I was so wound up about finding it - and there's another funny stone beside it. If the Rock Art Project surveyors had been up to scratch they would have got to it in the second survey phase survey of that valley (they didn't get to phase one though).

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Posted by Stoneshifter
3rd November 2008ce

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Re: Is this art? (gjrk)

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Re: Is this art? (bawn79)

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