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Re: small world
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i agree with your points FW, i am not 'new age', and am against it and the crap it spouts because thats what it is, crap. i don't need crystals to enhance my life, i have some i liked them i agree they have 'something' b ....but to destroy the mother and take her insides from her and pay 5 year olds slave labour to get them...ermm don't think theres any positivity in that! i am pagan whatever that means, i don't need rituals, i don't need spells, i am happy just with the world as it is with me in it and what bits i find offensive i do my bit to change or have an effect, i think merricks words on unsung are very true....''.living a life based on truth and compassion doesn't necassarily mean martyrdom or heroics just the resolve to do the righ thing. whatever life it is you're living every day there are choices and opportunities put before you that steer your life. you cannot live without having an effect, so recognise it, use it , and use it well'' (i hope merick doesn't mind me quoting him)
i love those words and they resonate within me as a truth,
so many weak and influenced people try to 'ehlp' them selves by quoting new age rubbish, the only way to the heal any pain we have inside is to accept it recognise it and live it and heal it OURSELVES, nothing and no-one is as powerful as OURSELVES, and we have to recognise that fact, not use other gadgets to spout rubbish
ermmm, sorry AGAIN!!
i just hate to be put in with that because, as with most things, there are so many cranks,
just live, love and enjoy life and make it a nicer place to be!

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Posted by pixie
24th October 2002ce

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Re: small world (FourWinds)

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Re: small world (FourWinds)
Re: small world (Blaidd)

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