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Wayland's Smithy
Re: Royston
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You really are a clever bunny aren't you...

Used to go running up there, find when I'm doing something else I see alot more. I don't seem to pick up on things if I'm actually looking for them. Distance is not too much or a problem, I've been up to Wandlebury a few times, but that place is seriously wierd. Marks in the turf are in abundance, but not in any specific pattern. apparently 2 figures gog & magog were there, but they disappeared a long time ago. Best to see things in Winter if at all.

Waulauds bank in Luton is pretty good, if you can drown out the traffic.

Ivinghoe is my favourite though, has to be said and the quiet tumulus in Asheridge but that does take some finding.


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Posted by Blaidd
24th October 2002ce

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Re: Royston (Rhiannon)

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