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Re: Bothered of Bermingham
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Doesn`t that mean...."buggered if I know"..?

The Grimes excavation was in 1940, prior to
a WWII concrete runway being laid across the site.

The bank and ditch were ploughed over in Roman/Mediaeval times and by 1940 the only thing visible on the site was one remaining standing stone, which they buried.

I`m very heartened by what they are doing there.
The whole circle/henge is being re-constructed
from virtually nothing. There were originally 36 stones standing in the circle, but they haven`t been able to find them all, so they are going to find similar stones for the reconstruction.

That`s the way to do it!


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Posted by baza
23rd October 2002ce

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Re: Bothered of Bermingham (RiotGibbon)

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