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Tarren Deusant
Re: Tarren Deusant
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Just up the road my arse!!!

Took us three hours to get anywhere vaguely near it, by asking locals, lots of turns in roads, merry goose chases, and it isn't even mushroom season.

Once we found the right road and parked up me mates car got stuck in the mud so we decided to tromp off in the general direction where the last well meaning local had directed us and sort the car out when we got back.

Shortly after yomping off in said direction we decided to turn back at the bottom of the field as there was no sign whatsoever of the various landmarks he'd pointed out we gave up cos the kids were up to their knees in mud by this point!

There is a way in by a kissing gate over the other side of the area, but we were told by the owner of that bungalow that if we took a right up the next lane it was much less of a walk but by the time we figured out roughly where he meant it really was getting too late (bearing in mind the initial drive was only supposed t0 take about 40 mins tops!!).

I think I shall try again next week, when most of my kids are back at school.

Interestingly, and I have no idea what relevance this bears but one of the ladies who was kind enough to let us follow her some of the way told us that Beddau (lil place just down road) means 'Graves'.

Pix xx

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Posted by Pixxx
28th May 2008ce

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Tarren Deusant (Pixxx)

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