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Re: Innuit Shaman at Kirkhaugh
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Well, perhaps it is incorrectly uploaded, I will agree there, but not for the reason you mention. Marilyn Whirlwind is neither Inuit nor a shaman, and I hoped that inspection of the ties holding her hair might shed light on the gold ornament that was excavated at Kirkhaugh in 1935. This ornament is the same as the pair that were found as gravegoods with the Amesbury Archer and are known from a few other burials. The curious thing, if I'm right, is that the pair with the Archer were described as being beside his jaw, which is where Marilyn is wearing them! (It doesn't explain why only one was found at Kirkhaugh though nor what happened to the other one).

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Posted by Stoneshifter
14th April 2008ce

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Innuit Shaman at Kirkhaugh (wysefool)

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