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Caer Bach
Re: Mr Postman?
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The stones are very small and some are badly frost damaged and coming loose in their sockets - you could literally pick one up and remove it. It's so hidden away that hardly anyone goes there - in a clearing in an area of forestry on top of the mountain.

I've alerted CADW several times now but I think it's low on their list of priorities. It's a shame because even though it's tiny it's part of an immediate complex of tumulus, ring cairn and a stone row and part of the greater prehistoric landscape which centres on the Towy valley - a network of amazing menhirs, barrows, and alignments. Burl took an interest in it in the seventies but now it's almost forgotten.

It's worth a visit for the stupendous scenery alone - I'll post directions and a itinerary which takes it all in one of these days when there's time.

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Posted by tuesday
24th March 2008ce

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Re: Mr Postman? (Hob)

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